The escalating threat of deep sea mining

A recent study using jellyfish unmasks the danger that looms behind the deep-sea mining industry, emphasising the importance of protecting marine ecosystems and sustainable practices.

Thred Media
4 min readNov 29, 2023


Located deep within the seabeds of the vast oceans are metallic nodules that have piqued the interest of many countries.

The minerals contained within these deposits are driving deep-sea mining, a burgeoning industry which views such minerals as the lifeblood of the energy sector. The practice continues to stoke international debate over its environmental consequences.

A recent study published in Nature Communications proved that undertaking deep-sea mining does indeed have serious repercussions on the marine life that reside within water columns — the vast space between the surface and the seabed.

The jellyfish study

The crux of the study was conducted on jellyfish collected from different…

