Is it surprising that Gen Z is giving up on higher education?

Surveys conducted last year reveal that only half of Gen Z say they are interested in pursuing a four-year degree after finishing high school. Looking at the big picture, is this truly surprising?

Thred Media
4 min readSep 6, 2023


Imagine you’ve just graduated from university, one of the biggest accomplishments of your life so far.

Now drowning in financial debt, you’ve never been more motivated to get a job. Yet, every prospective job interviewer only wants to hear about your previous work experience.

Without it, they say, you’ll have to settle for an entry-level position offering a meagre salary or — even worse — an unpaid internship.

Perhaps this has been your reality before. It would be unsurprising, as it’s an experience shared by millions of young people for years.

Now, many members of Gen Z are choosing to sidestep the costly and time-consuming venture of higher education for fear that the return on their investment is not high enough.

Can they ever be lured back?

